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Dashboard Consulting

Business intelligence dashboard services

Managers want to see an overall picture of their business performance. But often their key performance indicators (KPI's) reside in different apps.


Financial data may be in Quickbooks, website activity in Google Analytics, sales activity in a CRM, social posts in Twitter, or other information in Google Sheets. Going back and forth between these apps is time consuming and frustrating.  


Enter dashboard systems.  These applications allow you to draw from multiple sources of data, and present them in a single interface.  They can be updated periodically, or designed to grab the data in real time.  The graphical interfaces are stunning, allowing unprecedented performance insights.  They are interactive too, with the ability for the user to drive down and see details, and change parameters such as date ranges, locations, categories, among others.


You can view the dashboards on your computer, phone, or some clients even display them on large flat screen TV's mounted on their office wall. 


I work with a number of leading dashboard platforms.  Let's talk about how dashboards can take the understanding of your business to a whole new level


You can check out my Knack database services here: Knack!

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