Hey there, Dave Parrish here from Knack Builders, back with another blog post and video to dive into the functionalities of Knack. Today, I want to show you how to generate barcodes directly within Knack. It’s a straightforward process that involves a bit of custom code, but once you see how it’s done, you’ll find it quite easy.
Understanding Barcodes in Knack
Barcodes are incredibly useful for a variety of purposes—whether it’s tracking ticket numbers, managing inventory, or organizing batches of products. Essentially, a barcode is a special font that encodes data into a visual pattern that scanners can interpret.
Getting Started
First things first, Knack itself has an article on this topic which you can reference here (code below). It’s worth noting that this method specifically deals with traditional barcodes and not QR codes.
Implementing the Barcode
Let’s jump right into how it’s done. In my example here, I have an application where we use barcodes for production tickets. Each ticket corresponds to a specific ID number, and we want to generate a barcode for easy reference.
Step-by-Step Guide
Identify the Field: In Knack, locate the field that contains the number you want to convert into a barcode. For instance, let’s say it’s Field 36 in your base.
Insert Custom Code: Here’s where the magic happens. You’ll need to insert a snippet of code that converts the number into a barcode font. The exact code snippet can be found below.
Adjust the Code: Depending on Knack updates or specific needs, you might need to modify the code snippet slightly. For instance, if the example uses Field 168 but you’re using Field 36, update the code accordingly.
Testing Your Barcode
Once implemented, it’s crucial to test your barcode to ensure it’s functioning correctly. You can do this using a barcode reader, which essentially treats the scanned code like keyboard input.
Troubleshooting Tips
Now, here’s where my personal experience comes in handy. The first time I tried this, I encountered some issues. Despite following the instructions meticulously, the barcode wasn’t scanning correctly—it was producing the wrong data.
Upon reaching out to Knack support, I discovered a crucial detail: the code required a start and stop character around the barcode data (*). This was necessary for the scanner to correctly interpret the data.
Final Adjustments
To resolve this, I made a minor adjustment to the text formula where I generated the barcode, ensuring it included the start and stop characters. This simple tweak made all the difference and resolved my issue.
And there you have it—a quick and straightforward guide to generating barcodes within Knack. If you found this video helpful, please consider liking and subscribing to my channel for more tips and tutorials on maximizing Knack functionalities.
Knack article on barcodes: https://support.knack.com/hc/en-us/articles/230232228-Generate-Simple-Numeric-Barcodes-Automatically
You can check out my Knack database services here:Â https://www.knackbuilders.com/knack-database-consulting
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